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      History of philosophy

֍ What is philosophy?

֍ Philosophical schools - Part 1

֍  Philosophical schools - Part 2


                             Old age

3,000 BC - 476 AD - Fall of the Western Roman



֍ Philosophy or religion?

֍ Asian philosophy - Mesopotamia

֍ The Epic of Gilgamesh

֍ Holy books of India

֍ Jainism - the most peaceful religion in the world

֍ Main sects and philosophy of jainism

֍ Buddhism - beyond the palace gates

֍ Buddhism – philosophical reasoning and transcendence

֍ Hinduism - Part 1

֍ Hinduism - Part 2

֍ Agastya Muni - The greatest of the seven sages of South India

֍ Parshvanatha - Vigésimo tercer Tirthankara del Jainismo

֍ Nagarjuna – Mahayana Buddhism, Emptiness, Middle Path,

       and Two Truths

֍ India - Philosophical and religious vocabulary

Middle Age

476 d.C. - 1453 d.C.
Queda do Império Romano do Oriente


     Modern age
1453 AD - 1789 AD
French Revolution

     Contemporary age
1789 AD - today

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