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  • Foto do escritorPaulo Pereira de Araujo

Swearing, from My Sweet Orange Tree to Social Networks

Atualizado: 20 de set.

In my childhood and adolescence, swearing was a forbidden word. So much so that I did not dare say vulgar words around my parents. A swear word is a word or expression considered offensive, vulgar, or inappropriate in certain cultural and social contexts. Which does not mean it is still like that.

In my house, if swear words did not enter our mouths, imagine on television. Swearing can vary significantly between distinct cultures, regions, even social groups, and times. These terms relate to topics such as sex, bodily functions, religion, or personal insults.

My Lima Orange Tree

O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (My Lima Orange Tree), a novel by José Mauro de Vasconcelos, published in 1968, tells the story of Zezé, a poor five-year-old boy, precocious and mischievous, imaginative and with a sensitive heart. He finds comfort and friendship in a lime orange tree, which comes to life in his mind. This relationship symbolizes his need for affection and refuge in the face of difficulties, such as poverty and abuse. Zezé develops a special friendship with Manuel Valadares, “Portuga,” who offers him company and emotional support. The narrative highlights children's dreams, even in the most adverse circumstances.

When I was in high school, My Lima Orange Tree caused euphoria among the students because of the swear words present in the book. The language, direct and realistic, reflects the story's atmosphere with offensive terms spoken by angry or frustrated adults. The students' excitement was due to the presence of expressions such as son of a bitchfuck you and so on. Vasconcelos' linguistic choice highlights the harshness of life and the difficulties faced by Zezé and his family. The swear words are punctual and reinforce the emotional impact of the scenes without softening the reality of poor Brazilians.

Moralists of the time criticized the use of swear words and the representation of difficult themes in literature. They felt the language was inappropriate, especially for child and teenage readers, arguing that it could have a negative influence. They argued that the presence of vulgar language and inconvenient situations diverted the educational function of children's literature. Many defenders of the work, myself among them, consider the use of realistic language and the approach to complex themes to be essential for the authenticity and depth of the narrative. We believe that exposing young people to these realities through literature can bring empathy, understanding and overcoming.

Connections between swear words and Ary Toledo

From my youth Brazilian comedian Ary Toledo was known for his irreverent use of swear words in his comedic performances . He used swear words to naturally increase the humorous impact of his jokes. This language reflected the daily reality of Brazilians and helped make their caricatures more realistic. Ary Toledo had the ability to use swear words without being offensive, incorporating them into the rhythm of his jokes. It was a predecessor to today's stand-up comedians, using much less swearing

Connections between Swearing and Social Classes

Poor Class – in low-income communities, swear words are often used as a form of direct and raw emotional expression. They can reflect the difficulties and frustrations of everyday life. Everyday language in the poorest classes tends to be more informal and less restricted by rigid social norms, hence the more frequent use of swear words, which can be a form of solidarity and identity within the group. It creates a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.

Middle Class – the use of swear words can be more contextual. They are avoided in formal and professional situations, but they can be common among friends and family. There is a tendency to moderate the use of swear words due to the influence of educational and social norms that emphasize linguistic appropriateness. The middle class may reflect a cultural middle ground, where the influence of both lower-class and upper-class values is evident. This results in a balance between accepting and restricting the use of swear words.

Upper Class – greater emphasis on standards of decorum and maintaining an appropriate public image. In high-class professional and social contexts, the use of swear words discouraged to maintain a level of formality and respect. Even so, swearing can be used in a more controlled manner and in private contexts or in intimate circles, where the transgression can be seen as a form of intimacy or personal expression.

Swear words are used in all social classes as intense emotional expressions that reinforce norms and values of each group. Although common, context and acceptance vary and reflect social circumstancesThe use of swear words has become consolidated in the media and at work but continues to be stigmatized for class reasons. When middle Class people say fuck, cum and son of a bitch they are well accepted and even valued but when poor people said the same expressions, they become vulgar.

Swearing and Religion

The relationship between swear words and religion varies widely across cultures and traditions. In many religions, such as ChristianityIslam, and Judaism, the use of swearing is frowned upon as it is seen as disrespectful to God and others. Biblical passages such as Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 3:8 encourage pure and respectful language. In Islam, the Quran discourages indecent language, while in Judaism, Lashon Hara, a Hebrew term referring to malicious gossip, backbiting or defamation, is considered a sin. In Eastern traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, correct speech is crucial and offensive words should be avoided. In Indigenous contexts, the use of swear words varies, but respect guides verbal conduct. Moderate approaches consider context and intention, being more informally flexible.

Swearing on Social Media

Swear words are often used to express intense emotions such as anger, frustration, surprise, or excitement. The immediate and personal nature of social media encourages more direct and sometimes less filtered expression. Many Internet users use swear words as part of their humorous style or to create an authentic online identity.

X (Twitter) – posts are brief and often impulsive, so swearing is common. Twitter culture values authenticity and raw emotion, and users often use bad language to add emphasis or humor.

Facebook – the use of swear words can be more controlled, depending on the nature of the network of friends and family. Public or group posts can be more moderated, while private or closed group conversations can allow for freer language.

Instagram and TikTok – on visual and video platforms, swear words are often used in captions, comments, and video content to express emotions and add authenticity. Using colloquial and vulgar language can be a way to connect with followers in a more informal and realistic way. The dominant youth culture on these platforms tends to be more permissive with the use of vulgar language.

The use of bad language, however, can damage your reputation on social media. Some followers may find it authentic, while others may consider it inappropriate. Influencers and brands must balance authenticity and professional image. Platform moderation policies may flag or restrict swearing. Algorithms can reduce the reach of vulgar posts. Terms of service often prohibit hate speech and harassment, which involve swearing. The acceptance of swear words varies across online community cultures, with norms ranging from permissive too restrictive.

Legal and Ethical Consequences

The use of swear words is controversial on social media, being severely condemned in harassment contexts, and may result in legal action or user account bans. Social networks implement policies against bullying and harassment that include vulgar language. There is an ongoing debate about freedom of expression and how moderation policies affect that freedom, including the use of swear words.

Physical distance and the perception of anonymity on social media often result in uninhibited and frequent use of vulgar language. This may reflect cultural diversity and user intentions. Although they can express intense emotions, the use of swear words raises questions about reputation, online ethics, and content moderation.

Context influences the acceptability of swear words. Informal among friends versus inappropriate in professional environments. Cultural norms vary significantly, and what is considered offensive in one culture may be acceptable in another. These norms evolve over time, reflecting changes in moral perceptions and everyday language.

From the point of view of moral relativismthe use of swear words varies according to cultural norms and values. In absolute morality, some consider vulgar language to be disrespectful. Swearing can offend and affect social dynamics, creating bonds or barriers between people. For some, it is an authentic and identity expression, while others see moderation as moral self-control.

Ethical Considerations

The tension between freedom of expression and respect for others requires balance. While people have the right to expression, they must consider its impact. On public platforms or in influential roles, it is important to use careful language to avoid offending or negatively influencing. Moral judgment about the use of swear words depends on multiple factors, such as intention, context, cultural norms, and personal values. It is crucial to consider these elements before making a definitive moral judgment about someone who uses a lot of swear words.

And you, what do you think? Should swear words still be avoided or is it already part of our language and can it come through the front door?

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